劳工赔偿局(Workers’ Compensation Board,简称WCB) 亚省劳工赔偿法适用于受省及联邦政府规管的行业。 简介: 劳工赔偿局是非牟利组织,为因工受伤而蒙受工资损失的员工提供经济补偿。局方重点在协助受伤员工尽快复工。除一些被豁免的行业外,大多数雇主及雇员都受保于劳工赔偿局。 劳工赔偿局对意外的定义: 由受雇而引起及发生于受雇期间的意外,包括: 并非受伤员工所作出的蓄意及故意行为 偶然事件 伤残 由职业病做成的能力丧失或可能能力丧失 劳工赔偿局或可提供: 弥补收入损失的代工资津贴 净收入的90%作为伤残津贴,上限由董事局按年决定。 医疗服务 治疗工伤的相关费用(如住院、医疗、药物、假体、评估及职业援助)。 支付由各职业受伤服务机构提供的治疗的相关费用。 复职服务 支付如编写简历、协助寻找工作、培训及学术课程等的费用。...
Year: 2016
加入联邦工会 (Joining a Union Federally)
加入联邦工会 (Joining a Union Federally) 以下行业的员工均受加拿大工业关系法所保障: 银行 海运 渡轮及港口服务 空中运输包括机场、航空站及航空公司 铁路 涉及跨省或跨国的公路运输 运河 管道 隧道及桥梁(跨省) 电话、电报及有线系统 电台及电视广播 粮仓 饲料厂及籽厂 铀矿开采及加工...
加拿大劳动法 (Canada Labour Code)
加拿大劳动法 (Canada Labour Code) 加拿大劳动法适用于所有受联邦政府监管的行业和大多数的国有企业,同时亦适用于: 银行 海运 渡轮及港口服务 空中运输包括机场、航空站及航空公司 铁路 涉及跨省或跨国的公路运输 运河 管道 隧道及桥梁(跨省) 电话、电报及有线系统 电台及电视广播 粮仓 饲料厂及籽厂 铀矿开采及加工 业务涉及保护渔业作为天然资源的企业...
就业保险 (Employment Insurance, 简称EI)
就业保险 (Employment Insurance, 简称EI) **申领就业保险金的首要条件:必须于最后上班日的四周内提出申请** 雇佣纪录 (Record of Employment ,简称ROE) 公司联系信息 雇员联系信息 第一天上班日期 最后一天上班日期 不再上班原因 受保工时数目 – 过去52周内,曾向就业保险供款的总工时数目 受保收入 –...
Ressources juridiques
Ressources juridiques Voici les coordonnées de quelques services d’aide. Certains sont gratuits et d’autres non – veuillez vous adresser à...
NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman met with Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi, last week, to discuss a new arena for the Calgary Flames.
“If the City of Calgary is going to give the team millions of dollars in free land there needs to be tangible benefits for Calgarians,” said Alexander Shevalier, President of the Calgary and District Labour Council.
“First, we would need a commitment to hire Canadian workers and unionized workers to build the arena,” he continued.
“Second, there needs to be a commitment to mitigate any disruption to the local community and to meet with the affected community,” he stated.
“We’re not opposed to the city donating land for a new arena, but there needs to be benefits for Calgarians and we have yet to see anyone articulate such a position,” he concluded.
“If the City of Calgary is going to give the team millions of dollars in free land there needs to be tangible benefits for Calgarians,” said Alexander Shevalier, President of the Calgary and District Labour Council.
“First, we would need a commitment to hire Canadian workers and unionized workers to build the arena,” he continued.
“Second, there needs to be a commitment to mitigate any disruption to the local community and to meet with the affected community,” he stated.
“We’re not opposed to the city donating land for a new arena, but there needs to be benefits for Calgarians and we have yet to see anyone articulate such a position,” he concluded.