Your Labour Council
Your Labour Council
Chartered in May, 1905, the CDLC is the voice of labour in Calgary. We support 60 affiliated union locals representing 44,000 members. Their diversity of knowledge and experience has joined to strongly uphold the principles of unionism and create solidarity in the struggle to improve the working lives of all people.
More than strikes, contracts and negotiations, the CDLC also plays a key role in our community. We work closely in coalition with numerous non-governmental, social justice, volunteer and faith organizations in Calgary. Our proactive committees organize around issues of interest to all workers, union and non-union alike. Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings and events.
Today’s Labour Councils
Today, we are working with our community partners to maintain and strengthen health care, the public education system and to protect our social programs. These things effect every person, union or non-union both working and unemployed.
Labour activists volunteer their time in many aspects to build stronger and more caring communities. We do this by fighting for equal access to quality social programs and public services and decent jobs and standard of living for everyone. Together, we are working to close the growing gap between the rich and poor in our society.
What we do:
The Calgary and District Labour Council (CDLC) is the local organization of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) at the city level. The CLC represents 1.5 million unionized workers across Canada. Labour Councils are comprised of the local of national unions that are affiliated to the Canadian Labour Congress.
Labour councils have various responsibilities but mainly are the voice and organization of labour movement at the community level. The Calgary and District Labour Council (CDLC) is governed by an elected President and Executive Council representing a cross section of local unions. Local unions are allocated delegates based on the number of members in their union. These delegates meet monthly to discuss issues of concern to their members.
Local unions may introduce resolutions that if adopted become the policies of the labour council. Resolutions adopted by local labour councils may be forwarded to the Canadian Labour Congress to be discussed and debated at the national level and if adopted become the national policies of the CLC.
Working actively to support people’s needs is a big part of the labour council’s work. We continue to call for the creation of laws that would benefit all members of society, laws that would become the foundation of our social programs in Canada today.
How we help our community:
- Working together
- Being involved in the community
- Educating our members and workers
- Organizing workers
- Lobbying governments
- Campaigning for Justice
- Taking Political Action
- Supporting Striking Workers

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